:::: Kai Peterson-Henry ::::
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Kai Peterson On Stage:

:::: RONACHER Wien ::::
07.10.2023 - 30.06.2025

HORST (Falco's Manager)
31.10., 07.11., 26.11., 03.12., 07.01., 30.01., 03.02., 04.02., 15.03., 24.03., 11.04., 25.04., 05.05., 31.05., 08.06., 09.06., 17.09., 06.10., 12.10., 05.11., 19.11.

:::: RONACHER Wien ::::
27.01.2017 - 25.06.2017

19.02., 02.03., 07.03., 18.03.,02.04.,17.05.
Fillotti: 22.02.,02.05.

Kai Peterson & Alex Ehrenreich Big Band
Concert & CD presentation "MASTERMIND"

:::: Reigen live ::::
  Hadikgasse 62, 1140 Wien
06.02.2017 - 20:30

Lothar Krist Hannover Big Band
feat. Kai Peterson

:::: Gospelkirche Hannover ::::
An der Erlöserkirche 2, 30446 Hannover
17.12.2016 - 19:30

Big Band Swinging Jazz : "Mastermind"

It took two whole years to produce the new album "Mastermind".
12 original Big Band songs and 1 cover song (Michael Mcdonalds "I Can Let Go Now" featuring the great Aneel Soomary on Flugelhorn) written by Kai Peterson and Sebastian Frank, Frank Schroeter, Gigi Skokan, Peter Frank.
Kai recorded, produced and co-mixed the whole album and was fortunate to record the collaborating artists - the SWINGING DUDES as Kai calls them :

Martin Fuss (Saxes)
Aneel Soomary (Trumpets and Flugelhorn)
Carsten Paap (Trombones)
Michael Hornek & Christian Skokan & Christian Reinicke & Frank Schroeter (Piano)
Christian Ziegelwanger & Dirk Schroeter & Matthias Meusel & Jens Krause (Drums)
Sebastian Brand & Hilmar Kahl & Peter Frank (Bass)

and - last but not least - the very talented composer, arranger and multi-instrumentalist
Sebastian Frank (Drums, Piano, Keyboards, Bass and Guitar)

The album was mixed by Jens Krause CAPITANO STUDIO and mastered by Sascha Busy Buehren TRUEBUSYNESS !

Check it out!
Downloads on iTunes, Amazon and others

CDs on soul-made.com

Das Musical mit Songs von Udo Jürgens

:::: Deutsches Theater München ::::
7.11.2015 - 10.01.2016

:::: Stage Theater des Westens Berlin ::::
- tägl. ausser Montag -
 - daily except Monday
21.01.2016 - 14.04.2016

:::: Raimundtheater Wien ::::
17.04. - 03.07.2016
- tägl. ausser / daily 'cept Mondays -

except when playing "Axel"

:::: Raimundtheater Wien ::::

SAM 22., 23.  May 2015

19. April 2015

07., 10., 19., 20., 21. (19:30) Mar. 2015

01., 03., 04., 05., 19., 20., 24. Feb. 2015

04., 07., 10. Jan. 2015

07.,09.,10.,13. (15:00 + 18:00h), 14.December 2014
07., 08., 29 (15:00h + 19:30h) . November 2014

22., 28. October 2014

09., 10., 11., 24., 26. September 2014

HARRY 08., 30. May 2015

17., 18. (19:30h), 21., 24., 25. (15:00h+19:30h) April 2015

05. Mar. 2015

14. (15:00h), 15. Feb. 2015

03.,09. Jan. 2015

07., 21.,30., 31. (19:30h) December 2014

06., 11. (18:30), 16.(18:00), 22. (15:00h), 23.(18:00h), 30. (18:00h) November 2014

25., 30.October 2014

17., 23. September 2014

:::: Johann Pölz Halle Amstetten ::::
ab/as of 19.March 2014

6.- 30. Aug. 2014

:::: Raimundtheater Wien ::::
ab/as of 19.March 2014

18., 19., 20., 21. Juni 2014
 4.,10.(15:00+19:30h),17.(15:00+19:30h),25. May 2014

5. (15:00+19:30h),6.,13.,15.,16.,17.,30. April

HARRY6., 14. (15:00h) Juni 2014

14.,27.May 2014

26.(15:00h) April 2014


:::: Ronacher Wien ::::
ab/as of 19.Feb 2014

BÜRGERMEISTER/MAYOR4. , 12., 22., 24. Juni 2014

14.,15.,16.18.,19.March 2014                                        

22.April 2014

11.May 2014

Das Musical mit Songs von Udo Jürgens
:::: Apollo Theater Stuttgart ::::
29.08.2012 - 14.10.2012
- tägl. ausser Montag/Dienstag -
 - daily except Monday/Tuesay

except when playing "Axel"

Das Musical mit Songs von Udo Jürgens
:::: Raimundtheater Wien ::::
ab/as of 17.March 2010
- tägl. ausser / daily 'cept Mondays -

Ensemble: daily
    except when playing

Axel: 5.,8.,25.,26.,29. April 2012

8.,16.,20. März 2012

4.,5.,7.,8.Feb. 2012

8.,12.,14., 24.Jan. 2012

2., 3.Dez. 2011

8.,27. Nov. 2011

2.,4.,5.,16., 23. Oct. 2011

11.,25. Sept. 2011

12., 24. Juni 2011

25., 28., 31. Mai 2011

2., 7., 10. April 2011

10. Mar. 2011

13.,24., 26., 27. Feb.'11

13., 16., 18., 19., 23., 25., Jan.'11

5., 15. Dec.'10

6. (15:00), 7., 21. Nov. '10

14., 16., 31. Oct. '10

12. Sept. '10

8. Juni 2010

8., 16., 22. May '10
Kapitän / Captain:

7., 10., 11.,28. April  2012

06., 7., 15. März 2012

09.,29. Feb.  2012

11.,22. Jan  2012

31. (15:30&19:30) Dez. 2011

11.,12.,19.,20.,25. Nov. 2011


7.,13.,20.,21.,24.,27.,28. Sept. '11

1., 11.  Juni 2011

1., 27., Mai 2011

3., 6., 8.,  24. April 2011

2., 4., 5. Mar. 2011

17., 18., 19., 25. Feb. 2011

9., 21., 22., 26., 27., 28., 30. Jan.'10

3., 4., 16., 17., 18., 30. Dec.'10

2.,3.,6.,14., 20. (19:30), 28., Nov.'10

13., 17. Oct. 2010

10., 11. Sept. 2010
  4., 9., 18, 26. Juni 2010
  14., 15., 23., 26., 29. (15:00,19:30h) May '10

11., April '10

Das Thomas Borchert Weihnachtsprogramm (als Gast)
Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Wien
01.12.2011 19:30 h

RUDOLF - Affaire Mayerling

:::: Raimundtheater Wien ::::
ab/as of 26.Feb.2009
- daily 'cept Mondays & Tuesdays -
as/als Moritz Szepps

:::: Raimundtheater Wien ::::
- 30.12.2008

except when playing
JACK FAVELL : 16., 28. of December'08

8., 30. of November '08

9., 22.(15:00h) of October '08

11., 25.of September '08

11., 30.(15:00h) of December'07

11., 20. of November '07

28., 30. of October'07

13., 18. of September'07

17., 28. of June'07

3.(19:30h),6.,29 of May'07

5., 15 of April'07

11., 21 of March '07

14. of Feb.'07

16., 28. of Jan.'07

12.,28. of Dec.'06

12.,21. of Nov '06

22.,29. of Oct '06

OBERST/COL. JULYAN: 07. December '08

11. of November '08

21. of October '08

28.of September '08

28.,29. of November '07

14. of October'07

23. of September'07

15.May '07

20.March '07

21. of Feb.'07

03.Jan. '07

13.August.2007 :::: Burgarena Finkenstein :::: 20:00h
18. August 2007 :::: Donaubühne Tulln :::: 20:00h


26.Juni.2007 :::: Cenario Wien:::: 20:00h
10.July 2007 :::: BIRDLAND Vienna:::: 20:00h

Jazz: A Little Bit Of Hope
New CD out in March 2007

Rens Newland, the renown Jazz-Guitarist, produced an album called "A Little Bit Of Hope" with his "Mixtett" and Kai as lead singer. The two also authored some songs on the album.
Say's Kai: "It's a mix of different styels - but definetly jazzy!".
The album is NuSwing!
You will find more info on soul-made.com.

A DA, a colonel and a sleaze
3 Roles in Rebecca

Kai landed three parts in the new musical REBECCA written by Sylvester Levay and Michael Kunze (they also wrote the extremely succesful ELISABETH) and is currently performing daily in Vienna's renown Raimundtheater.
Amongst other people he plays the district attorney Nathaniel Horridge, covers Chief of police Colonel Julyan and a sleazeball named Jack Favell.
It is somewhat a deja vu:
This is the second time that Kai plays a judge since WAKE UP.

3 Roles in Romeo & Julia
Finally Kai's old enough for the "adult"roles

After a year of producing ("Borchert Deluxe"), beeing Work Council and doing lots of voice-overs for TV and radio commercials Kai got hired to be walk-in-cover for 3 roles in the german premiere of the very successful musical ROMEO & JULIA written by G.Presgurvic.
After more than three months of rehearsal Kai plays the roles of LORENZO (the pastor that marries Romeo and Julia), The Prince of Verona and Julias father LORD CAPULET.

This is the second time that Kai plays the father of Marjan Shaki who plays Julia and also played Rosanna in WAKE UP.

Lord Capulet:

1., 4., 8. (Derniere!) of July '06
13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 27., 28., 29., 30. of June '06
5., 6., 7., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 16., 23., 24 of May '06
6. (15:00h), 7., 8., 9., 11., 12., 13., 15., 16., 18., 19., 22., 23., 25. of April '06
1.,2.,5. of March '06
15. of January '06
27. of December' 05
27. of November' 05
23. of October '05
21. of September '05
12., 13., 14. of July '05
2.,3. of June '05
18. of May '05

Prince Of Verona: 3., 4., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 18. of June '06
2. of May '06
27. of April
4., 7., 10., 11., 12., 15., 16., 18., 19., 21.,22., 23., 24., 25., 26. of March '06
1., 2., 17., 22., 23., 24. of Feb. '06
1., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 10., 11.,12.(2x), 12., 14., 15., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 24., 25., 26., 27., 28., 29., 31. of Jan. '06
1., 3., 4., 11., 13., 14. (2x), 15., 16., 17., 18., 20., 21., 22. of December '05
3., 29.,30. of November '05
12., 13. of October '05
13.,14.,15. of September '05

3. of July '05
11., 19. (2x), 23. of June '05
7., 13.,15., 29. of May '05
22., 23., 24. of April
24., 26., 29., 30., 31. of March '05
27.February '05

15. of November' 05
05. of October '05
29. of September '05
29. of June '05
31. of May '05
28. of April '05

Producing a Deluxe Album for Thomas Borchert
A breakfast that made a CD title

Soul Made Productions, Kai's record company, is releasing a new Thomas Borchert album called "DeLuxe". Kai and Thomas decided on DeLuxe after having had several breakfasts at their favorite café "Felzl" called "Breakfast DeLuxe".

The new album will be recorded mainly at Harry Pellers Studio (www.harrypeller.com). Kai was able to talk Harry into arranging and co-writing for the DeLuxe album.
The album will contain Thomas Borcherts own songs as well as songs from musical theatre.
Look for it on www.soul-made.com.

A Diploma and a New Task
Legit and kicking

After almost 20 years on stage Kai finally got a diploma for acting. He had always wanted to take the exam but there was always some job that had interfered with the exam date. Says Kai: "Now I finally am a legit actor!"

When the work council had to to be newly elected after 4 years in office Kai ran - to be elected that is.
He was elected as 1 of 4 work councils of the artists in the Raimundtheater in Vienna and will be in office until June 2007. He will be treasurer of the work council. His job is to give advice in employment affairs to his collegues and take care of any complaints that his collegues might have.

The "Wake Up" call for Kai was on the 21st of September 2002...
...and it is going to last until January 2004.

Kai started performing in a new Musical called "Wake Up" , written by entertainer Rainhard Fendrich who's also starring in the role of the music manager JEFF, and Harold Faltermayer who wrote and produced movie themes (Top Gun, Beverly Hills cop I+II) and even received an Oscar nomination, 2 Grammy's and several other awards.

Kai playes the role of Rosannas Father, the Warden and also 2nd cast Jeff (Rainhard Fendrich's role).

For Christmas an Elf and Elvis-Impersonator for Spring
After recovering from the bleeding ulcers and spending some quality time with his kin Kai is back on stage in two shows:

Kai plays an elf called Engelbert who has to bring Santa Claus back to the Northpole in order to save X-mas. The Show is taking place in the Festsaal in the Casino Baden which is the biggiest Casino in Europe - they say.
Shows are on the 7.,8.,11.,12.,13.,14.,15.,19.,20.,21. of Dec. 2001

The acting piece by Lee Hall takes place in Viennas reknown Theater Drachengasse. Kai plays a paraplegic Elvis-impersonator ("Dad") who's wife ("Mom") brings home a baker ("Stuart") as her lover who then has an affair with their daughter Gilian. Very funny modern "psycho"sitcom with paranoid monologues of "Elvis" and some Elvis music.
Runs from the 7. of Jan. to 9. of Feb. 2002

A New Road To Travel

After almost three months of rehearsal and over 120 concerts in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Austria with the a cappella group Montezuma's Revenge, Kai decided to leave the group.

Kai says: "When I first arrived in NL and I got the sheet music I thought: How am I gonna learn all this music...?! Then when we got on the road I thought: How am I gonna survive five performances a week and sitting on the bus for the next 9 months ...?! THEN when I couldn't find an affordable place for my family in NL to live in I thought: How am I gonna survive touring without seeing my family...?! And THEN when I had grown two ulcers from all the "good" food, the beer, the aggravation, the sitting in the bus, the collegues, the loneliness I thought: I have to quitt, or I am NOT gonna survive...!"

Kai on his plans for the future: "I'll lay low for a while, spend some quality time with my kids and get healthy again. Then we'll see what comes along on the new road I'll be travelling..."

Recordings :

Kai is currently selecting, writing and arranging songs for a new Solo-CD called "A MUSICAL JOURNEY" on which you'll find R&B, Soul, Jazz, Musical and Pop Songs in Kai's own style.

The Live-CD with Montezuma's Revenge (Double Density) which was recorded whilst touring is now available (www.montezuma.nl) and the group also released the song they sang for the national songcontest "Danielle"

Also in production:

  • A Project-CD titled Got a problem with that ?! a concept-album with a project-band called New Young Phunk Desciples (N.Y.P.D) that is going to be P-H-U-N-K-Y !!